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"Cubic Chunks: Infinite height, Elimination of X-ray, and more". UPDATE: 1600+ supporters on MCForums - Pre-Alpha mod in the works!

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You can see the original suggestion and give support on minecraftforum.net!

For those unfamiliar with the concept, this would mean:

  • An over-all reduction in lag.
  • Possibility for infinite world height and depth.
  • "Severe crippling" of X-Ray hacks in multiplayer (ONLY in multiplayer)
  • Reduction of overhead on both client and server.
  • Increased maximum size of redstone projects.
  • The possibility of three-dimensional biomes.
  • Potential for much larger and more realistic terrain.

UPDATE (08/21/2013): The Cubic Chunks suggestion is still gaining a lot of support and is currently at 1600+ supporters! But even so, it's still pretty unclear if Mojang has any intention of working on it yet.In the meantime, MCForums member Barteks2x is working on a revival of the original Cubic Chunks mod. His current version is very buggy and unavailable to the public, but looks promising:

If you want to keep updated with the suggestion your best bet is to keep up with the original post on minecraftforums.net. But I'll try to keep this article updated with anymore big news ^_^

Some pics taken from the old Cubic Chunks Mod:

Post comment Comments
truenightmare - - 1,558 comments

that looks epic, but my pc still wouldn't be-able to run it :(

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

Well, the whole point of cubic chunks is to *reduce laginess. So if you're having trouble with performance now, this might actually help to clear it up a bit :)

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Technodude010 - - 101 comments

I actually it just might, cause I lagg because everytime I start It loads the whole chunk (above and underground)so it takes more time. But with this the underground would only start loading when you are nearing it, I love the idea!

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Maxen1416 - - 5,558 comments

time to build some skyscrapers

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Seaalisgonefromhere - - 986 comments

Fricken Awesome!!!!

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azianinvazn - - 9 comments

I'm just wondering why this hasn't already been implemented.

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847AM - - 50 comments

The possibility of three-dimensional biomes????

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

Right now, if you're in a taiga biome, then no matter how high up or how far down you go, you'll remain to be in a taiga biome. With cubic chunks, it would be possible to sort-of 'stack' biomes; so that once you go up high enough or down far enough you would exit the current biome and enter another.

In other words, it means that biome transitions could be made not only horizontally but also vertically. The OP of the original thread on MC Forums has made a second post regarding some possible underground biomes if cubic chunks were to be implemented: Minecraftforum.net
Though none of this is required by CC, just possible ;)

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Technodude010 - - 101 comments

I cant see how a jungle above a taiga can be pretty, but that's not exactly the case, is it? I imagine a hills biome, then high mountains and to finish a snowy biome (snow on mountain tops), or, maybe a taiga on top of a snowy desert, or, the extreme extreme extreme hills mountains whatever you see on that 3rd screenshot

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

The idea with 3D biomes isn't literally to "stack" currently existing biomes upon eachother to create larger ones - I guess you can chalk that up to poor word choice on my part ^_^ It's more about the ability to have new underground and sky biomes that are separate from the biomes directly above/below them on the surface.

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BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

I'm not going to begin to pretend what this would involve on a technical level, but I'd love for some more verticallity in Minecraft! Let's hope they make this happen!

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TeH_n00b_GaMeR - - 154 comments

yes please

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JasonTGamer - - 226 comments

This seems like a great idea! One question- since Biomes will be vertical, doesn't that mean there will be an "Underground" biome? Or something like that? "Sky Biome" as in up where blocks don't spawn? I'm confusing myself here. Either way, I want to see this happen!!

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

Hmm... Well, I don't think I could give a better answer than to just link to this: Minecraftforum.net - which is a separate post discussing what underground biomes could be like with CC.

To summarize: yes, having three-dimensional biomes would allow for underground biomes and sky biomes. You could even take it so far as to have The End and The Nether generate within the overworld itself; though that's not necessary, just possible :)

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

Exciting news, thanks for posting it.

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Guest - - 694,666 comments

I know it's proof of concept but how it is?
Is it usable? do you plan to make it usable?
How many bugs do you have? Can we help?

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

The only usable version of Cubic Chunks was a buggy test version made by Robinton: Minecraftforum.net , for MC 1.0.0. There are more current versions in the making, but so far those are only pre-alpha versions which are quite buggy and unavailable for public download.

However, the idea isn't to make a CC mod, but to get the idea out to Mojang; in hopes that they'll consider implementing it to vanilla. And we can help by showing Mojang that there are a lot of people supporting this idea.

But try not to badger them, just help to spread the word. More supporters means a greater chance of seeing Cubic Chunks in a future version of Minecraft :D

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Guest - - 694,666 comments

Interesting all of you are making valid points but i have one question
why would mojang want to implement a mod into the game when it would cause hundreds of hours of painstaking headaches to get it to work properly with the games current mechanics
not only that but they would have to re-wright tons of lines of code oriented around world generation and chunk updates and chunk loading/saving

food for thought i would very much like to see such a mod added in as well but do you honestly think there going to drop what there doing and implement the mod like that? IF so you are ignorant

if not then think for a second with how much they would have to re-wright how many bugs would it cause and how long would it take to fix thous new bugs and further more witch would you rather have a set of extremely delayed updates or there current progress

the last time they had one update a month late tons of people in the community threw a giant hissy fit

think for a second would you want to be spammed with tons of angry fans tweets emails and what not

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

That first question is perfect: "why would mojang want to implement a mod into the game when it would cause hundreds of hours of painstaking headaches to get it to work properly with the games current mechanics..."

I think the best answer I can give is just to say that, it isn't about content. Cubic Chunks is the idea that chunk handling could be smoother, that the number of blocks that have to be loaded at any given time can be significantly reduced, and that the amount of information that has to be processed just for the game to run can also be cut down- meaning better performance and greater possibilities.

It's an optimization to the game at its base. The higher/deeper world, 3D biomes and terrain changes are all just side-features, and meant to be optional at that.

Another thing is that, for all the content that has come from mods, none of it has ever just been copied over. Mojang always re-does it their own way, and if they do choose to implement Cubic Chunks, they'll do the way they think best. There's actually a pretty good and surprisingly relevant example of this: Mojang.com (see the shoutout at the bottom)
It would seem that when Mojang converted from McRegions chunk-handling to Anvil, they based some of their changes off Robinton's mods - or maybe Robinton even helped :D

In conclusion, we as the community can only show our support for the ideas we're interested in, and Mojang, as they always have, will do their best to improve the game however they can.

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B7Biscuit Author
B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

Also, sorry for being so late to reply. I don't check this page as frequently as I did when it was new ^_^

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MandaloreTheExplorer - - 6 comments

How do the input values of the Custom Cubic world type actually affect world generation? is it possible to manipulate them in a way that triggers the Monolith Glitch Youtube.com

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Guest - - 694,666 comments


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MandaloreTheExplorer - - 6 comments

How do the input values of the Custom Cubic world type actually affect world generation? is it possible to manipulate them in a way that triggers the Monolith Glitch Youtube.com

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