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Each level in DTD consists of a base for each the human player and the enemy AI, connected by several paths. Gameplay includes the traditional placement of towers, as well as many other mechanics to create a more rich and varied ‘new’ Tower Defence variant. The name, lore and graphic style of the game are still all pending, but we’ve managed to get a very nice base down, which implements nearly all of the game mechanics.

Add job Report iOS & Android Programmer at Orbital Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Orbital Games on

Orbital Games is seeking an iOS and/or Android developer to join our small, productive team in order to 'translate' our PC/Xbox titles into mobile compatible releases.

So far we have released one small game which is live on Desura, Indievania, Beamdog called Octopede (https://www.indiedb.com/games/octopede). We are in the process of releasing on Xbox Live Indie Games, OnLive and have even been translated into Japanese by Playism. Other than "Octopede", we have 4 other, more ambitious, titles in development of which we are also very interested in porting to mobile devices and so hope to keep a good relationship with successful applicant for future projects.

Please note that this is currently an unpaid job offer, although any profit from respective platform(s) made will be divided on a predetermined revenue-share basis.

If interested please contact recruit@orbitalgames.co.uk for more information. To save time we ask that you include any previous games you have worked on for the respective device/platform.

Charlie Rawlinson
Director & Artist
Orbital Games Limited

To Apply

Please contact recruit@orbitalgames.co.uk for more information.