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Smoking Crow Studios (or ScS for short) Is a videogame development team that creates games.... obviously, we are not based in any countries (yet) we work from home

Add job Report Looking for an Artist and editor to make moving drawings cutscenes (no payment) at Smoking Crow Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Smoking Crow Studios on

Hello, so we're looking for people who can draw In a comic book type style and a video editor to edit the drawings and animate them, any program of drawing and video editing Is allowed.

We don't demand a lot of effort but At least some quality

Here are some of the requirements:

1. Be 18+ or more: some of the scenes In the game may be too explicit for a younger person.

2. Have some knowledge on video editing: self explanatory.

That's it really.

Here some of the examples you should check out for what we're trying to convey.

To Apply

Send your cv to smokingcrowstudioseverything@gmail.com